South Carolina's licensure law has passed!

South Carolina's licensure law has passed!

On May 21st, 2024 the governor of South Carolina signed a law enacting genetic counselor licensing in the state. The law went into effect the same day, but before licenses can be issued, a board needs to be established, the rules have to be written, and the application has to be created and released! They estimate that it could take several months to get up and running.

We don't have a ton of info yet, but here are the highlights from the new law, which you can read here.

  • Ordering genetic testing is within the GC's scope of practice.

  • "Limited" licenses will be issued to new grads who haven't passed the boards yet, but will expire 30 days after a failed board exam attempt.

  • CEUs will be required to renew. The total hours required at each renewal isn't set yet, but it won't be higher than 25 hours every 2 years.

  • The initial application fee is currently set at $600 (the highest fee yet!), but may change as the cost of the program is determined.

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