New Jersey is Renewing Soon. Have You Taken a Medical Ethics course?

New Jersey is Renewing Soon. Have You Taken a Medical Ethics course?

If you're renewing your New Jersey license, you'll need to make sure you have taken at least 1 hour of CEUs that is focused on medical ethics since July 1st, 2022. The state is really vague about this requirement, so as long as you can show the course was related to medical ethics, you should be ok.

If you're looking for a course to meet this requirement, here are a few you could use:

  • NSGC AC 2022, Blood is Thicker: Ethical Genetic Counseling for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplants in the Age of Genomic Medicine- 4.3 hrs, $25

  • ​NSGC AC 2023, Chasing Genomic Innovation: Equity, Ethics, and the Law- 2.0 hrs, $25

  • NSGC On Demand, Ethical, Legal and Social Challenges with Genetic Testing- 3.61 hrs, $75

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